3 Trusty Techniques to Reduce Stress Levels in just 5 Minutes using Meditation with Crystals.

In the bustling whirlwind of modern life, where multitasking is a norm and stress often feels like an uninvited guest, it's no wonder that the modern mindful woman yearns for a sanctuary of serenity. Enter the realm of crystal meditation, a transformative practice that holds the key to unlocking mental clarity, relaxation, and inner peace.

And what’s best? You only need 5 minutes to reduce stress levels quickly with our crystal mindfulness exercises.

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But First, You may be wondering…

How Does Meditation with Crystals Enhance our Efforts to Reduce Stress.

Amidst the chaos, crystal meditation stands as a beacon of tranquility, offering a gateway to a calmer mind and a more harmonious life. This is mainly due the belief that crystals are concentrated form of energy. If you want to understand more about crystals and where the science behind the belief comes from, check out our Blog post on “What Crystals Actually Are – And How They Work”

These mindfulness exercises have been developed since ancient times to harness the innate energy of crystals, allowing their vibrations to resonate with our own, creating a powerful synergy that can have profound effects on our mental and emotional well-being.

meditation with crystals how to

What can using crystals do to help me?

Crystals are overall boosters to meditations. If you suffer from hazy memory, mind fog or an overclouding of thoughts, these 5-minute stress reducing techniques are for you. Crystal meditation can help clear the mental fog, allowing you to navigate through life's challenges with unwavering focus, leaving you with a heightened sense of mental clarity and enhanced cognitive function.

If you experience anxiety and physical stress symptoms, crystal meditation and mindfulness self-care can transport you to this state of relaxation by soothing your nervous system and releasing tension that accumulates from the demands of your busy schedule. Using increased oxygen flow to cleanse the nervous system and increase productivity of our bodily functions.

And most of all, people who are experiencing outbursts of frustration or irritation can value immensely from reducing stress through crystal meditation techniques. Quieting the mind allows our emotions to be felt and expressed internally allowing us to take control of our reactions. Calming feelings of anger, irritation or frustration.

Guided Crystal Meditation Techniques: Your Pathway to Inner Peace

Incorporating crystals into your self-care and calming rituals is a relatively easy and simple process. So, Lets dive into practical techniques that can guide you towards grounding, chakra balancing, and embracing profound inner peace.

Things you’ll need:

  • 5 Minutes (or sometimes even less!) of time preferably alone
  • A quiet space: this could be anywhere. If you’re at home you can use your yard, bedroom or even a small study or area where you feel safe. If you’re at work this could be a anything from a park nearby, your car, a spare meeting room to a supply closet or bathroom. If you need to chill the heck out as soon as possible, any space alone will do!
  • A crystal: it can any crystal you desire. For the best results, use our “How to find the best crystal for You” guide here.

Crystal Grounding Ritual: Sama Vritti

Grounding is a process that helps us pull back down to stability when our mind is frenzied. Box breathing, also known as "Sama Vritti," is a simple and effective breath technique for grounding the mind so that we can see clearly through our emotional stress. Pairing this technique with crystals such as clear quartz or Hematite, creates a potent combination for centering the mind.

Grounding Crystal Meditation How to: Sama Vritti

Find a quiet space, take a seat (or lay flat on the ground, which ever feels most comfortable) and hold your crystal in your hands on your lap. Now, close your eyes. (you may like to set a timer on your phone)

  • Take 3-5 long and deep breaths to settle into the present moment. Try to breathe the full capacity of your lungs and belly. You may find exhaling through the mouth helpful for extra release during these breaths.
  • To move into Sama Vritti breathing technique, Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, filling your lungs completely.
  • Hold the breath for a count of four.
  • Exhale slowly and completely through your nose for a count of four.
  • Hold the breath out for a count of four.
  • Repeat this pattern for several rounds. Focusing on your breathing and bring it back to the pattern when you feel your mind beginning to wander or stress.
  • As you settle into this breath pattern, visualize roots extending from your body into the earth, anchoring you firmly. As you breathe deeply, feel the presence of the crystal in your hands, its energy flowing through you and pulling down towards the earth into your roots.
  • Keep this cyclic rhythm of breath for the rest of the 5 minutes. You may like to take another set of deep breaths as you exit your stress reducing mindfulness practice.

Crystal Meditation for enhanced clarity: Nadi Shodhana

Meditation for balancing chakras to reduce irritability, anger and feelings of being overwhelmed.

crystal meditation for beginners

The chakras, our body's energy center's, play a pivotal role in our emotional and physical well-being. While irritability and anger can be cause by a many number of things, it is important to recognize that it is, at its root, caused by a conflict between your internal world and the external world. Usually driven by our egos, calming and centering the mind helps us to override these instinctual emotions and return to our surroundings with a sense of control and clarity. After all, you may not be able to control your situation, but you can control how you react and resolve it.

Nadi Shodhana, or "Alternate Nostril Breathing," is a balancing breath technique that harmonizes the left and right energy channels in the body. This technique promotes equilibrium and clarity as well as a sense of peace and wisdom allowing us face our experiences with a calm and collected demeanor.

Nadi Shodhana Calming Meditation: How to...

  1. Lie or sit down comfortably, hold your crystal on your Third-Eye chakra point (between your brows) with your right hand using your middle and index finger, use the cool surface of the crystal as a focal point.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths to center yourself and begin the ritual. Begin to clear your mind and focus on the breath.
  3. Use your right thumb to close your right nostril and inhale deeply through your left nostril. Pause briefly, then use your right ring finger to close your left nostril as you release your right nostril.
  4. Exhale slowly and completely through your right nostril.
  5. Inhale deeply through your right nostril, then pause briefly, closing both nostrils.
  6. Release your left nostril and exhale through it.
  7. This completes one round. So, the pattern is: Inhale Left, Exhale Right. Inhale Right, Exhale Left. Repeat.
  8. Continue alternating nostrils for several rounds, focusing on the energy of the crystal seeping into your mind and flowing through your body as your breathe flows cyclically
Nadi Shodhana for begginers meditation for stress
crystal Mindfulness Exercises for reducing stress

Take a breathe to find peace: Ujjayi pranayama

Reduce Stress and Emotional Imbalance to Connect with your Inner Sence of Peace.

Amidst the chaos, finding inner peace becomes a treasure beyond measure. When we are emotionally volatile, we want to connect to the heart as this is where we feel our emotions. Selecting crystals associated with the heart or self-love and compassion are great for this technique.

Ujjayi pranayama, often referred to as the "Victorious Breath," is a calming and centring breath technique that harmonizes the mind and body. When combined with calming stones such as selenite, this technique becomes a powerful tool for cultivating inner peace you you can access it more easily in your daily life.

Ujjayi pranayama: How to

  1. Find a comfortable seated position and hold your calming crystal in your hands or place it on your lap. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to settle into the present moment and relieve your mind of any alarming thoughts.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your breath to flow smoothly and softly like the ocean waves. As you inhale, slightly constrict the back of your throat to create a gentle ocean-like sound.
  3. Exhale slowly through your nose, maintaining the slight constriction of the throat to create the same sound. Feel the sensation of the breath moving across your throat.
  4. Continue this rhythmic breath, focusing on the sound and sensation. Like waves on a beach, imagine the calming energy of the selenite infusing your body with serenity, drawing each breath longer as you delve deeper into the rhythm. With each exhale, release any tension or stress.
ocean vibes boho handmade crystal jewelry

Helpful meditation tips: For our amazing beginners.

learning to meditate can be very challenging for some and it might take you a few goes before you get the hang of these simple practices. That is normal and totally okay. The important part about these stress relief techniques is the intention of doing a practice with a desired result. Even if you forget what you're doing half way through, you are here to be with yourself and create space for yourself and your feelings. And that in itself will subconsciously bring your mind some peace.

Here are some struggles beginners may face when starting their crystal meditation self-care journey as well as some tips on how to resolve and move past them?

I keep losing focus and thinking off all my stresses and worries

  • Losing focus is especially normal for people who are beginning to do mindfulness meditations. Even as you get more experienced, our mind will want to wonder.
  • Every time you feel your mind beginning to spiral about all the things going on in your life, pause and take a deep breathe. Remind yourself that its okay, and NORMAL. You aren't doing anything wrong. Just gently bring your mind back to your breath.
  • Take a few breaths to refocus on why you're here and start the process again. You don't need to restart your meditation or timer, just restart the breathing pattern.
  • Beginners may find it helpful to internalize the words 'inhale', 'hold' and 'exhale' or even counting the breaths in your mind.

All I am doing is breathing. I'm not sure that will do anything, I'm breathing all the time.

  • This one comes from that annoying little voices in our head that help exacerbate our negative emotions. If you're hearing this voice then chances are you should ignore it and do the opposite: which is sit down and find a space to breathe.
  • Although we are breathing all the time of course, our everyday breath is very shallow. During our daily activities, the breath is soft and shallow, using a small portion of our lungs capacity. This type of breathing is automatic and requires minimal effort and is usually the body's bare minimum effort in maintaining our state.
  • The purpose of breathwork is to increase our oxygen intake, which allows our bodily systems to reregulate themselves better. Cortisol, the stress hormone, can cause these functions to become backed up or dysfunctional. Circulating large amounts of oxygen around the body (especially to our brains) helps clear our bodies causing muscles to relax, bodily systems to cleanse and function better as well as cleansing and calming the mind.

I don't understand why I need a crystal? I don't have any.

  • Crystals are not an essential part of meditation. If you don't have a crystal that is totally okay and these yogic breath techniques will still do their job. Crystals are used as a booster to these meditative practices if you want to know more about crystals and the ideology behind them, check out our post about what crystals actually are, here.
  • Crystals can be easily obtained and most of the time can be found in the crystal or gift shops in your local area. At Sticks and Stones Crystal studio we like to transform our crystals into everyday usable items. This makes it easier (and more practical) for you to use your crystal instead of carrying one around in your pocket where you might loose it.
  • Using your crystal regularly or carrying it around with you serve as a visual and psychological reminder of your intentions and goals. Every time you see or touch your crystal you will be reminded on your sense of peace and your intentions.

I get uncomfortable halfway through my practice and want to move...

  • Stillness is a tool in meditation that allows us to really feel our bodies. Although some forms of meditation, like active meditation, may not utilize this stillness. Stillness allows us to disconnect from our physical world and focus on our mind and body.
  • Beginners may find it especially helpful to start their practice lying down as it allows the body to be in its most relaxed state. I know when I was first starting meditation, I would sometimes get tired from sitting up straight and be focused on my muscle tension rather than relaxing. So laying down is a great way to ensure you are relax and can focus on the breath.
  • If you are experiencing pains in your body, this can be a great sign on which areas that are holding your tension. So, although pains can be uncomfortable they are actually our bodies telling us where our stress is. Are your shoulders sore? or maybe your tummy feels a little nauseous? Breathe into these spaces as this is where your tension is.
  • Using a pillow under the bum is a great way to stop your booty going numb as well as helping to keep your posture upright. So if you have access to a soft pillow, use it as much as you like.

The Ultimate Meditation Tools

At Sticks and Stones Creative crystal studio, it is our goal to create versatile and beautiful crystal products designed to make your meditations and manifestations an easy and integral part of your daily routines.

Our handmade crystal jewelry is designed around being elegant and practical. All our pieces are extremally versatile and perfect for work and play, with chic and elegant designs you can wear at work, home or our on your daily routine.

Using only high quality metals, our crystal jewelry is waterproof and made with high durability 14K gold filled components so you're jewelry won't tarnish or damage overtime. Keeping you and your energy looking radiant 24/7

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