5 Signs You Need A Spiritual Reset

Do you need a holiday or a spiritual RESET 💪 Holidays are something we ALL look forward to. The problem is that sometimes when we are burnt out and experiencing strife in our lives, it’s not a holiday we need - but a spiritual reset. 

So, how do you know the difference on when to have that lux cruise holiday you’ve been thinking about with your bestie and when to take a week or two to yourself to be alone and reset.

Check yourself against these 5 major signs that it’s time for you to reset

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How to do a Spiritual Reset for inner peace...

Identify the 5 signs its time for a spiritual reset - then get your calendar out because you're taking a break!

Life's a wild ride, full of twists, turns, and sometimes, a whole lot of drama. We're constantly bombarded with information, expectations, and demands, leaving us feeling with chronic fatigue, disconnected.

But hey, amidst the chaos, there's this incredible oasis of peace and tranquillity waiting to be discovered – your inner zen. Yeah, yeah, we know it sounds all woo-woo and stuff, but trust us, this inner zen thing is the real deal. It's like having your own personal chill pill, ready to dispense good vibes whenever you need them.

So, how do you tap into this zen reservoir, you ask? Well, it's time to ditch the drama and embrace a spiritual reset! This will allow is your innate state of harmony, balance, and fulfillment to come to life, improving your well-being, the source of resilience and emotional stability. When you're tapped into your inner zen, you're able to navigate life's challenges with grace, make decisions with clarity, and experience a deep sense of purpose and meaning.

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What is a Spiritual Reset (and how do I do it?)

When we talk about a spiritual reset, each person can adopt their own way of going about it. Some people may decide to take a week off work to just be alone or with family, some might go do a solo trip in nature. Some might book a hotel to have a complete change of scenery.

Whatever way you feel is best for your reset, the core of what you will be doing will be the same. In any reset, spending a greater amount of time on our own is the biggest part of it. A spiritual reset is a personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. It's about shedding the layers of stress, anxiety, and limiting beliefs that weigh you down and uncovering your true essence – a being full of potential, resilience, and inner peace. Think of it like a mini self-guided, spirituality bootcamp!

The importance of this extra alone time is that it allows us to disconnect from any thoughts, feelings and opinions that aren’t of our own, this cleanses our energy leaving us with our true self. The extra silence of being alone helps draw out our true thoughts and personality and let us have a good look at it without judgment or the inhibition of having another person present. From here, we can learn to accept, heal and cultivate our peace.

jounraling techniques for spiritual reset and mindfulness self care activities 10 journal prompts to heal trauma and empower

Here are some powerful mindfulness practices to incorporate into your spiritual reset journey:

Mindfulness Meditation: Cultivate present-moment awareness through meditation, allowing you to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Mindfulness can take other forms too, such as: reflections, journaling, goal setting, affirmations, crystal healing work and many more! Whatever resonates most naturally with you.

Yoga and Movement: Engage in physical practices like yoga, tai chi, or dance to connect with your body, mind, and spirit. Any sort of movement is great though – if you’re a gym girlie already, then go get those gains! If you like playing a certain sport and that’s what gets you excited to move, do that instead.

Nature Immersion: Spend time in nature, immersing yourself in its beauty and tranquillity. Go for a swim in a natural body of water, feel your feet on the earth, smell the fragrance of the sun on the grass or the smell of the earth after it rains. Connecting with nature helps to ground us and mentally and emotionally escape from the structures of our everyday life.

Creative Expression: Explore creative outlets like journaling, painting, or music to express your inner thoughts and emotions. Creativity can nestle is way into any area of our life. It sparks passion, excitement, and curiosity. Helping us to express our authenticity not only to other, but ourselves. You may not be best artist, but there are many ways to use your creativity, everyday: redecorate a room in your house, make your workout routine fun and interesting with a creative twist or make some funky meals without using a recipe. You get the idea…

Gratitude Practice: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life. Increasing our gratitude and showing appreciation for the things in life we do have helps rewire the brain for not only a more positive mindset but also and opportunistic mindset, so you are better able to see the opportunities in your situations. Gratitude can take many forms, but even just a little bit a day will go a long way.

Recognizing the Signs: When It's Time for a Spiritual Reset

Just like your physical body needs rest and rejuvenation, your spirit also requires regular tune-ups. Here are some telltale signs that it's time for a spiritual reset:
woman doing yoga in nature with yoga crystal jewelry for spiritual reset and healing trauma using clear quartz crystal booster
1 - Chronic Fatigue: Ditching the Zombie Shuffle

Feeling like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards? Constantly hitting the snooze button, yet still feeling like a zombie? Chronic fatigue is your body's way of saying, "Hey, I need a break, like, yesterday!" A spiritual reset is like giving your body a luxurious spa day, complete with cucumber water and soothing massages (well, not literally, but you get the idea). Giving your mind, body and soul unapologetic and guilt free rest is imperative to a reset.

2 - Social Disconnect: Ditch the FOMO and Embracing Your Inner Hermit

Once the life of the party, but now the idea of making small talk makes you want to hide under your covers? Social disconnect is a sign that your inner self is craving some quality me-time. A spiritual reset is like taking a social media detox, but instead of feeling lonely, you'll discover the joys of solitude and self-discovery.

Taking time for ourselves through a reset allows us to connect with our core without the distraction and influence of the people, places and things around us. We are constantly being bombarded with verbal, physical, psychological, and emotional messages from our environments. Sometimes, it just gets too overwhelming and too much for us to process. Take a reset so that you can come back to your social circles with passion, connection, and excitement.

3 - Seeking Meaning: Ditching the Hamster Wheel and Embracing Your Purpose

Feeling stuck in a rut, like you're just going through the motions? Yearning for something more meaningful, like finding a cure for world hunger or becoming the next Beyoncé? Seeking meaning is a sign that your soul is craving a deeper connection to something greater than yourself. A spiritual reset is like embarking on a quest for your true purpose, transforming you from a hamster on a wheel to a fearless adventurer. This lack of purpose shows a disconnect between your life and your souls’ deepest desires. Reconnecting to yourself allows us to dig deep into our life, how we want to live it and what we want to achieve.

4 - Intuition Out of Whack: Ditching the Guessing Game and Embracing Your Inner Oracle

Every decision feels like a gamble, leaving you feeling lost and confused? You feel so sure of something and next second it’s the complete opposite. Your intuition, your inner GPS, might be a bit off the charts. This is the gut feeling in your chest that helps guide your choices, morals, and confidence. A spiritual reset is like recalibrating your inner compass, helping you make decisions with confidence and clarity, even when the world seems to be speaking in riddles. Helping us stay steadfast to our goals, values and principles.

5 - Emotional Overwhelm: Ditching the Rollercoaster and Embracing Emotional Harmony

Feelings running high, like you're on an emotional rollercoaster with no seatbelts? Whether it's anger bubbling up or joy slipping away, your emotional well-being is sending a clear message. We all deal with emotional overwhelm differently, so this can be overloads of excessive emotions present all the time, unexpected outbursts at the smallest triggers or simply feeling a lack of anything at all. Emotional overwhelm is a sure-fire sign that something, (whether a belief, emotion or experience) is bubbling up inside you and causing internal chaos, screaming to be addressed. By taking the much-needed solo-time of a spiritual reset you allow yourself to not only gain the tools you need to process and deal with these feelings but also the time and solidarity to accept and go through the process of understanding and release, so they no longer hold you back in life.

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Do you Need a Spiritual Reset?

If the answer is, YES! Then, get your calendar out, it's time to take a break. Say goodbye to stress and anxiety and hello internal zen, confidence and passion...

So, there you have it, the five signs that your inner zen needs a serious reboot. Ditch the drama, embrace the spiritual reset, and unlock a whole new level of fun, peace, and purpose.

Remember, life's too short to be stuck in a rut. It's time to ditch the zombie shuffle, embrace your inner hermit, discover your purpose, channel your inner oracle, and ride the waves of emotional harmony. Your inner zen awaits – let's go find it!

Your Perfect Crystal Companion

So, you've read the signs you need a spiritual reset and it's time to book your week off work!

To make the most of your week of solitude and absolute zen, find yourself the perfect crystal companion to help guide you through your spiritual reset. Perhaps an amethyst necklace to channel your serenity and wisdom, or a carnelian infused crystal candle to reignite your passions...

Whatever your goal, get your perfect crystal companion today to elevate your mind, body and soul on your journey to wellness.

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