Best Crystals for Self-Love and Empowerment and How to Use Them

In a world that often tugs at our self-worth and leaves us yearning for empowerment, the gentle allure of crystals can be a beacon of light on our journey to self-love. At Sticks & Stones Creative, we believe in the transformative power of semi-precious gemstone jewellery and crystal-based products, offering a path toward mental well-being and self-empowerment.

Through this article you will discover:

  • The top 3 best crystals for fostering self-love and compassion
  • The top 3 best crystals for building confidence and empowerment
  • Why these crystals help fight mental ailments such as onset depression, low self esteem, negative self talk, survival mode and feelings of being trapped. 
  • How to create a simple (and easy to stick to) self care routine using your crystal
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"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

- Buddha

Using crystals to promote self-worth, confidence, and self-empowerment.

In a world that often tugs at our self-worth and leaves us yearning for empowerment, the gentle allure of crystals can be a beacon of light on our journey to self-love. At Sticks & Stones Creative, we believe in the transformative power of semi-precious gemstone jewelry and crystal-based products, offering a path toward mental well-being and self-empowerment.

Crystals are not just captivating adornments; they are gateways to unlocking self-worth, confidence, and self-empowerment. When you repeatedly align yourself with the meaning and intention of a gemstone, you train your mind to seek more of those attributes in your life. Helping to shift your mindset and in turn your way and standard of life.

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It goes without saying that we could all use a little more self-love and compassion in our lives. This article will explore some of the best crystals for harnessing self-love in our lives and is a great resource for anyone during any stage of their lives to enhance and foster compassion.

But this article, and the crystals we will explore, will be especially helpful for those experiencing mental ailments such as:
- Onset depression
- Severe negative self-talk
- Disassociation and existentialism
- Chronic anxieties
- Low feelings of self-worth and feeling like you aren’t enough.
- Feelings of being trapped within your environment and circumstances.
- Living in survival mode (flight or fight response)

Self-Love Crystals: Nurturing Your Inner Glow

Let’s start off with giving you guys some of our best crystals for self-love and compassion. Most of these are common and you can find them in our store or at your local crystal shop.

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Number One Crystal for Self-Love...

Rose Quartz!

The most widely known, common and, of course, our top self-love crystal choice is Rose Quartz. Known as the universal stone of love, Rose Quartz nurtures self-love like no other. This gentle pink gem is often associated with the feminine and motherly love that is unconditional and nurturing.

This stone is widely accessible and very easy to interpret so is a great choice for people who don’t know too much about crystals. Rose Quartz is a gentle and supportive reminder you that you are deserving of love and care. It has a strong connection to the heart chakra, meaning it encourages us to open our hearts to ignite reflection, healing, growth and a greater sense of openness and connectedness in our lives.

This stone is an overall self-love booster that fosters kindness and compassion, so makes a great suit for people experiencing feelings of low self-worth, negative thought patterns and feelings of being trapped. Incorporate it into your self-love practices and let it soothe your heart.

#2: Rhodonite

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This pinkish-red gemstone encourages self-discovery and emotional healing. It's a powerful ally in your journey towards self-love, helping you release emotional wounds and embrace self-acceptance. Rhodonite is a stone of emotional healing, making it particularly useful for those who have experienced emotional wounds or traumas. By aiding in the release of past emotional pain, it clears the way for self-love and acceptance to blossom. This gemstone can assist in quieting the critical and self-deprecating thoughts that often hinder self-love.

By reducing negative self-talk, it creates space for self-compassion to grow. Rhodonite can stimulate your ambition and help you see a brighter future. With a clearer vision of your goals and aspirations, you can work with determination and focus toward achieving them. Not only fostering self but encouraging empowerment through the ownership and acceptance of our past and journey so far.

#3 Crystal for Self-Love is Rhodochrosite:

This creamy pink crystal is aimed at self-love and emotional Healing. By encouraging self-compassion and self-forgiveness, Rhodochrosite can be a valuable companion on your journey to self-acceptance. This stone works by redirecting love inside and around us towards the self, helping us to receive it from the people, places, and things in our environment.

By creating a deeper sense of interconnectedness, this stone is a great companion for those experiencing depression, disassociation, isolation and negative self-talk. This stone allows us to step outside our limited thinking patterns to be able to receive all the incomes of love and support around us, helping us to accept and appreciate compliments, praise, and positivity in our environment. In turn, this helps us to feel more self-assured and positive about the things we say, do and experience.

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Empowerment Stones: Cultivating Confidence and Courage...

To combat mental health and accumulate overall self appreciation and love.

The first 3 stones we looked at focused on self-love and compassion to do with healing emotional traumas and fostering an inner love and acceptance. However, sometimes our lack of self-love stems from our lack of motivation and ability to face our goals and overcome our limitations. So many of us feel we are lacking in terms of our achievements and commitment to our goals that it causes our minds to re-affirm these negative feelings in our outside surroundings. As you can see, this causes a loop by encouraging negative feelings, leading to increased feelings of fatigue, burnout, and depression.

So, if you are feeling tired all the time, unmotivated and uninspired this could be where your lowered feelings of self-worth stem from. You can use any of the 3 previously mentioned crystals for self-love, but you might want to check out these energizing crystals for self-empowerment and motivation…

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Carnelian - Our Best Crystal for Confidence and Empowerment

The fiery energy of Carnelian ignites confidence and motivation. Carnelian is well renowned for its invigorating properties of passion, inspiration, and motivation. It is used heavily in the creative and sports industries to help users maintain energy, stamina, and inspiration. It infuses you with courage and helps you overcome self-doubt, enabling you to take bold steps toward your goals. Carnelian is closely linked to the sacral chakra, which is the energy center associated with creativity, emotions, and self-esteem.

By activating and balancing this chakra, carnelian can foster a sense of self-empowerment and emotional stability. By helping us feel more invigorated by life and boosting our confidence to face our fears, carnelian can help skyrocket your appreciation for yourself and in turn foster feelings of self-love and empowerment

#2 Crystal for Empowerment is Sunstone

Just as the sun brightens the day, Sunstone illuminates your path to empowerment. It enhances your vitality and optimism, fueling your self-assuredness and guiding you towards a brighter future. This is great for overthinkers or people experiencing lots of self-doubt and negative self-talk. Sunstone is believed help you focus on the present moment and encourages a hopeful and optimistic attitude.

This positivity can be a driving force in your journey towards self-love and empowerment. It instils a sense of self-worth, encouraging you to take on your challenges headfirst and make authentic and productive decisions. With increased self-confidence, you're better equipped to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

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#3 Crystal for Confidence is Tigers Eye

Tiger's Eye is often referred to as the "Stone of Confidence." Its powerful energy instils a deep sense of self-worth and personal empowerment. It encourages you to take action overcome self-doubt, and face challenges with determination and courage.

This helps us take steps forward in our lives boosting our self-validation and feelings of success and accomplishment, a great stone for people struggling to achieve and feel inspired by their goals. Tiger's Eye promotes self-love and self-respect. It encourages you to acknowledge and appreciate your own worth, making it easier to practice self-love and self-acceptance.

When we suffer with mental ailments, difficult life circumstances or unwanted thought patterns, helping us to realize not only our current positives but also full potential, we are awakened to ourselves and begin to feel inspired by our reality and the possibilities we can create. Opening us to self-love, compassion, and determination. When you respect and love yourself, you are better equipped to navigate life with empowerment.

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Creating a Self-Love Ritual with Crystals

Creating a Self-Love Ritual with Crystals Incorporating self-love and self-care activities into our lives can be a challenging thing to do. Whether we struggle for time, motivation, or will-power – we find the easiest and most constructive way to incorporate mindfulness self-care into your life is through creating a simple and easy to stick to routine.

The best part about this is that you probably already have a routine in place that you might not even be aware of. For example: if you always get up, brush your teeth, have a shower, and then make yourself a coffee in the morning – half your routine is already half sorted! All you need to do is add a few extra steps. Now all you need to do is personalize it to create a unique self-love ritual using crystals that is unique to your life and needs.

Whether you're a morning person or prefer an evening routine, here's a guide to help you get started:

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Example Morning Self-Care Routine:

Step 1: Time to get up and face the day. Drink a big glass of water to rehydrate.
Step 2: Make my bed.
Step 3: Use my favorite face wash/or shower.
Step 4: With my selected crystal next to me (or wearing it) apply my moisturizer and serums. Repeat my 3 affirmations for self-love/motivation/empowerment while I apply and let them sink in.
Step 5: Out loud, list three things that I am grateful for myself to. (Compliment yourself, hype yourself up, reflect on things in the past you are grateful for or looking forward to etc.…)
Step 6: Set a timer for 3 minutes. Close my eyes, breathe deeply, and set your intentions for the day. Visualize myself surrounded by love and confidence.
Step 7: Proceed to make my favorite morning beverage and start my day with the thoughts and intent of my chosen crystal in mind throughout the day.

Example Afternoon/Midday Self-Care Mindfulness Routine

Step 1: Take a moment to pause during my busy day. (could be lunch break, after work, or before picking kids up)
Step 2: Find somewhere that makes me feel calm, quiet, and collected where I can be with myself. Bring my chosen crystal.
Step 3: Take a few minutes to do some deep breaths and reflect on my morning so far. Pick 3 things I am grateful for already today.
Step 4: release some energy from the body (either a quick little walk, a boogie or singalong to your favorite song, body tapping/hugging or some gentle stretching – especially around the neck, shoulders and back as this is where we carry a lot of stress and tension.)
Step 5: think of one way today that I have already embraced the intention and energy of my crystal (i.e. I didn’t get down on that project I was working on even when I got a bit stuck) and reward yourself with a positive gesture (i.e. a self-hug, pat on the back, saying good job or I’m proud of you to yourself)
Step 6: confirm my affirmation for the day out loud and with confidence like you believe it.

Example of Mindfulness Evening Routine for Self Love

Step 1: Shower and get into my favorite comfy PJs.
Step 2: Light my crystal candle (or normal one) and have my chosen self-love crystal with me. And my favorite wind down tea/beverage.
Step 3: Do my skincare/teeth/hair routine while reflecting on all the events that happened that day. I am not going to judge or worry about what happened. Just reflect and remember the events that passed.
Step 4: Set a timer for 3-5 minutes. Holding my crystal, close my eyes and sit with my intention for the day. Find points in my day where I acted and embodied the intention of my stone or goals. Release any negativity or self-doubt. Re-affirm that I have done well today, and should be proud.
Step 5: Say my affirmations out loud with conviction and belief. Fill my heart with self-love, gratitude, and empowerment.
(Bonus Step 5.2: set aside 10-20 minutes to do a self care activity, like reading my new book, before bed yoga, evening breathwork meditation, journaling, tv show etc..)
Step 6: Time for bed. Place the crystal under my pillow for peaceful dreams or beside my bed.

evening mindfulness self care routine with bedtime yoga stretching and crystals

Add any of these sample self-love routines into your existing routines or make a new one starting from scratch. The good thing about incorporating these simple steps into your routines is that after only a week or two, your brain will start rewiring your neural pathways to enforce the positive efforts in your life.

Not only will this help shift your perspectives and improve your mental ailments, but also start cultivating enjoyment and enthusiasm to engage in self-care activities. Soon you will hardly even need to think about them, you will automatically begin to incorporate it throughout your life – cultivating positivity continuously.

What Are You Waiting For?

We could all use a little more love! We hope you've found our article inspiring and super informative in finding a self love crystal that can boost the love, motivation and compassion in your life to birth the modern mindful woman you are creating.

We are here to help you overcome your challenges and open yourself to your full potential. That's why we invite you to shop our uniquely handcrafted crystal jewelry for self love and empowerment.

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