Its Pisces Season... And we've got just the right Crystals for You!

Just like the fish, Pisces season is all about being in the moment. Spanning from the 19th of February to the 20th of March, there is a lot the Pisces zodiac can help us achieve the astrological month. 

 This zodiac sign invites us to reflect on what we're doing well and what we could improve. It's a time to consider whether we are in the right relationships, living in the right place, or working with people who bring out the best in us.

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Pisces crystal astrological guide

In Pisces season, we're often able to step away from the complexities of our lives and focus on what matters most: spending quality time with family and friends, enjoying nature, taking care of ourselves physically and mentally—and just enjoying the simple things in life.

This helps promote balance in our lives by giving us perspective on what truly matters most at this moment in time. It's a season to get clear about what matters most to you and what you're willing to do to make sure those important things happen.

So take some time this month to reflect on how your life is going and how it can be even better! If you are feeling overwhelmed by things going on in your life right now or wanting more clarity on what would really make you happy then this is a perfect time to get some guidance with Pisces crystals.

Pisces Sun Sign

The Pisces Zodiac is the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac.

They are known for their emotional intelligence, intuition, and imagination. Pisces sun signs can be in conflict with their dreams and reality because they often idealize things that aren't realistic.

Pisces zodiac sign is ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion. Pisces are strong visual artists and creative thinkers. They are very sensitive and often need to be alone in order to recharge their batteries. Pisces are a very flexible people. They carry the element of water which heightens their ability for creativity, problem solving and mediating situations comes with ease.

They are compassionate people who have an innate need to help others through their own personal experiences as well as their spiritual connection with higher powers such as God or Goddesses within themselves.

rose quartz amethyst crystal pair meaning

How can crystals be helpful for the Pisces Season?

The Pisces Zodiac sign is a very emotional and intuitive symbol. They are often seen as the "water" sign, which means that they are very connected to the world around them. However, because of their fluid and fantastical nature it can be important for Pisces sun signs to ground and centre themselves. These types of crystals can help calm the mind and help figure out where one stands.

Psychic and intuitive crystals are also great crystals for Pisces, stones that enhance divine connection, improve communication or even offer psychic protection can be perfect for stabilizing Pisces emotional core and helping them to channel their ideas.

When choosing a crystal for yourself or someone else with this zodiac sign you need to realize that there are many types of crystals out there so take time to figure out what works best for you!

So we present to you, Our Top 5 crystal picks for the Pisces Season 2023...


The Pisces Birthstone Crystal

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Aquamarine is the perfect crystal for the Pisces season and is actually the assigned birthstone of the month March which half of Pisces season spans over.

Pisces are known for being very sensitive, and this can make it hard to be surrounded by people who don't always understand them. Aquamarine is a stone of protection—it's exactly what you need when you're surrounded by people who don't always understand your sensitivity.

The Aquamarine crystal also has a powerful connection to the throat chakra, making it great for improving communication this season. It can help us communicate our desires more effectively with others, and it can also help us improve our communication with ourselves—helping spread that Pisces compassion that we give so easily to others, to ourselves.

Aquamarine also invites introspection and analysis of self and of the world around, which is something of a hobby for this particular zodiac sign. For Pisces, there are few things as fascinating as exploring and understanding the hidden depths of the psyche and of everyone and everything around them.

This Pisces crystal also promotes reflection and enhances a meditative state. This means that it can help us separate fantasy from reality during this time of year. Think about your life, your projects, work and relationship goals—wearing Aquamarine jewellery will help you analyse and connect with your goals so that you can map the road to achieve them. Finally, directly associated with the seas and all things water-related (which Pisces are associated with),

Aquamarine is an excellent stone for protecting your happiness and building confidence for the future you are creating!

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Rose Quartz

The Pisces season can be tough for those who are born under the sign.

This is because the sign has a strong link to both the heart and throat chakras, which means that Pisces people often neglect their own needs in order to care for others.

This is why rose quartz crystals are so helpful during this season. These crystals are also strongly linked to both the heart chakra and throat chakra and are known for invoking feelings of compassion, love and kindness. All caring qualities that the Pisces zodiac is known for.

When you’re feeling stressed or anxious about something, it can be difficult to see the positive in a situation or even see what you need from it. However, rose quartz crystals can help you look at things from a different perspective and allow you to see things more clearly. This can help you make better choices about your future, whether it be romantic or career-related.

Wearing a rose Quartz necklace or bracelet can work to purify the heart and open it up to communicate with others and the self, promoting deeper connections with both the internal and external world. They also help Pisces people build self-esteem and enhance feminine energy by helping them plan their future with confidence.

Blue Kyanite

Pisces Season is a time of reflection and self-discovery.

The water element is represented by Pisces, so this season is all about connecting to your inner potential. Blue kyanite helps you do just that and is a great crystal for Pisces season.

Blue kyanite crystals are great for the person born under the sign of Pisces. The stone helps with communication and decision making, so it's also great for Pisces sun sign people who want to be better at expressing themselves and making decisions.

People born under Pisces can benefit from the calming nature of Blue Kyanite jewellery. The crystal can also address their weaknesses. Pisces often fall prey to a victim complex. They can be moody and naïve, making them a target for energy vampires and bad players.

kyanite crystals for Pisces

Blue Kyanite works as a crystal for protection, giving them the guidance they need. The stone’s ability to shift your perspective and organize thoughts can be a lifesaver for Pisces. It helps them think clearly and rationally even when their instincts are telling them otherwise!

Moonstone Crystals

Pisces Zodiac Moonstone is a stone of the moon, with a soft glow that reflects the light of the moon. It's a stone that promotes balance and enhances intuition and inspiration. If you're a Pisces, you know that your energy and mood can change on a dime. That's why it's important to have crystals that can help you keep your balance in times of stress or instability.

One great crystal for Pisces is Moonstone. It's a white crystal that symbolizes purity and new beginnings, so it works well with the dreamy nature of Pisces while balancing their sensitive side with its direct frequency.

The Moonstone helps you discover spiritual insight, inner growth, and strength while soothing stress and emotional instability. It is also believed to promote inspiration stemming from opening ourselves to new perspectives—allowing us to look at our ambitions versus our current situations in a new light.

Moonstone works as a talisman, protecting you during your travels on land and sea. It calms stress and brings hope when things seem bleakest.

Amethyst Crystal

Spanning over both February and March, it makes sense that Amethyst is a powerful crystal for the Pisces season.

amaethyst crystal meaning Pisces and Aquarius

Pisces season is all about reassessing our lives, and taking a step back to look at ourselves objectively. It's a time to let go of relationships and situations that no longer serve us, and instead focus on what we want to achieve.

For Pisces, the amethyst crystal is a godsend. Its use of purple stone aligns out thoughts and emotions to better achieve our goals. This cool and calming crystal is said to increase powers of intuition and is particularly useful in aligning out thoughts and emotions to better achieve our goals.

Amethyst crystals are an excellent tool for this process. They're linked to the crown chakra, which helps us center our minds and promote tranquility. Amethyst crystals can also help connect us with our higher selves, so that we can better see the divine purpose behind everything that happens in our lives.

Amethyst also offers physic protection for Pisces season. Protecting us from negative and unhelpful thoughts and relationships that no longer serve our revised divine purpose. This cool and calming crystal is said to increase powers of intuition and is particularly useful in aligning out thoughts and emotions to better achieve our goals!

As the sun radiates through this translucent purple stone, it’s not hard to become instilled in a sense of divine purpose and reassurance. For Pisces, this is a godsend when filtering through their ideals and their reality.

Time to get your Pisces Crystals!

With the Pisces season in full swing, it's important to remember to ground yourself and focus on what matters most.

Pisces Sun Signs are known for their fluid and fantastical nature, which can make it easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. So we recommend any of these crystals to help you through this Pisces season.


  • Aquamarine is the perfect crystal for Pisces to help with communication this season. It's a powerful stone that helps us communicate our desires more effectively, and can be used to improve our relationships with others as well as ourselves.

Rose Quartz

  • Rose Quartz is known as the "love stone", which makes it perfect for this time of year when everyone is looking for love! It's also great for healing emotional wounds or simply helping you feel more positive about yourself. it can help you to be more aware of your own needs, as well as better able to care for those around you.

Blue Kyanite

  • Pisces, the water sign, is all about connecting to your inner potential. This season, we recommend blue kyanite. Blue kyanite helps you communicate better and make better decisions—so it's also great for Pisces sun sign people who want to be better at expressing themselves and making decisions.


  • Moonstone is a crystal that Pisceans will gravitate towards, as it can help them get in touch with their intuition and make decisions that align with their values. Moonstone helps you connect to your emotions and learn how to act on them in healthy ways, which can be hard for Pisces because they tend to be so dreamy and detached from reality.


  • Amethyst is known as the "stone of spirituality" as it helps you get back on track with your life's purpose. It's also a great crystal for meditation, as it allows you to feel calmer and more relaxed. Wearing Amethyst gemstone jewelry for spiritual purposes is a particularly intense experience for this zodiac sign since it's a natural fit for their energy.