The Mindful Woman's Guide to Crystal Healing

As a mindful woman of the world, you may have come across crystals and know a little about them – or maybe you know nothing about them at all. Well, we are here to help you learn the best ways to bring healing crystals into all and any of your holistic health practices!

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Incorporating healing crystals into your mindfulness routine can be a way to enhance your practices and potentially create a more balanced life. Healing crystals have been used in various spiritual and healing practices for centuries and are believed to possess unique energies that can aid in promoting well-being and balance.

Using crystal themselves is relatively simple and you’re able to adapt them to any of your daily practices. Using crystals in mindfulness self-care effectively relies on 3 main factors: its user keeping an open mind, daily/regular use, and a strong belief or intention.

Intention setting: Healing Crystals can serve as physical reminders of your intentions during mindfulness practices. Psychologically reminding you of your goals when you interact with them, pushing your subconscious to chase and achieve your dreams.

Energy and Chakra alignment: Different crystals are associated with specific energies and properties. Similarly, In some spiritual traditions, crystals are linked to the body's energy centers, known as chakras. By choosing crystals that align with your goals or specific chakras may help balance and align your energy, promoting overall well-being.

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Stress reduction: Many people find comfort in holding or carrying crystals as a way to reduce stress and anxiety, some even state that certain crystals are only effective if direct skin contact is made. The act of physically connecting with a crystal can have a calming effect and encourage a more relaxed state of mind.

Visualizations: Incorporating crystals into guided visualizations can enhance the experience. You can visualize the crystal's energy flowing through your body or imagine yourself surrounded by its healing properties.

"In a society that profits from your self-doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act."

- Caroline Caldwell

When it comes to self-love, stress reduction, and emotional well-being, there are several crystals that are commonly associated with promoting these qualities. When working with crystals, it's essential to choose the ones that resonate with you personally. This is often a subconscious signal of what you may be needing in your life. You can hold them, meditate with them, carry them in your pocket, or place them around your living space.

These are some great healing crystal that you can find today for use in your every self care mindfulness practices and routines:

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Rose Quartz:

Known as the "stone of love," Rose Quartz is often associated with unconditional love, self-acceptance, and compassion. It can help foster self-love and emotional healing, encouraging forgiveness and reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. Connected to the heart chakra, the rose quartz healing crystal helps us to connect with our emotions and allows us to question the love around us versus the love we desire in our lives.

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Amethyst is a calming healing crystal that is often used for calming, stress reduction and insomnia. It is believed to have a soothing effect on the mind, aiding in relaxation and easing negative thought patterns. It is also associated with the crown chakra meaning that it may be useful for those experiencing anxieties in their life direction and purpose by connecting us with our best selves and promoting positive changes.

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Citrine is associated with joy, abundance, and positive energy. It can be helpful in boosting self-esteem, promoting optimism, and reducing feelings of unworthiness or self-doubt. Its bright energy is helpful in keeping a positive and motivated mentality, helping us to push through depressive periods and open ourselves to new opportunities in our lives.

Clear Quartz:

Known as the "master healer," Clear Quartz is believed to amplify the energies of other crystals and enhance their effects. It can help clear the mind, improve focus, and promote emotional clarity. A great all-rounder stone to balance all your chakras. If you’re planning on using crystals in your mindfulness self-care routines, adding a clear quartz to your favorite crystal makes for the ultimate pairing.

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Selenite is another gentle and calming crystal that can aid in stress reduction and promoting a sense of peace and tranquility. It is often used to cleanse and purify the energy field, being said to shed or dissolve as it absorbs low frequency energy, watching this precious stone disintegrate across your mindful journey can be a rewarding sign of all the hard work you are doing.

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Rhodonite is believed to help heal emotional wounds, foster forgiveness, and encourage self-love and compassion. Similarly to rose quartz, this blush coloured stone is great for healing past and present relationships, allowing ourselves to be freed from the subsequent griefs, anxieties and guilt that these damaged relationships can cause.

Now you’ve picked your favorite healing crystal and you’re ready to start using them!

Incorporating crystal rituals into daily mindfulness self-care routines and activities can be a simple and enjoyable process. Realistically speaking, healing crystals can be added to any activity or environment you allow for holistic healing. However here are some easy daily mindfulness practices that can be super-charged by your crystals:

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Morning Meditation: Begin your day with a few minutes of meditation or breathwork, this is not only great for your mindset but also your lung and cardiovascular health. Find your intention or purpose for the day (for beginners, simply pick one word for how you would like your day to feel) Hold your healing crystal in your hand or place it on your lap during the meditation session. Set an intention for the day and visualize the crystal's energy supporting you throughout your daily activities.

Gratitude Practice: Keep a small crystal on your bedside table or your workspace. Every morning or evening, take a moment to hold the crystal and express gratitude for something in your life. It could be a person, an experience, or simply being thankful for a new day. You can also do this before going to bed, spend a few minutes in quiet reflection with a calming crystal, like Rose Quartz or Selenite. Review your day, pick acknowledge your emotions, and release any stress or negativity by finding things in the day that you were grateful for.

Crystal Jewelry: Wear crystal jewelry like a necklace, bracelet, or ring throughout the day. Not only are they beautiful, but also can serve to help protect you from things in your environment that may be affecting your health. In addition, having your healing crystal's energy with you wherever you go, serves as a constant reminder of your goals and mindfulness practice.

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Yoga or Exercise: Due to their high energy vibrations, healing crystals can help to motivate you throughout your session and help you to challenge yourself both physically and mentally. Certain crystals are also associated with improving our physical health, such as heart, lung and kidney, and infusing our athletic space can work with our heightened metabolism to improve these areas. Place crystals around your yoga mat or exercise space. You can also hold a crystal in your hand or wear crystal jewelry during yoga poses or use it as a focal point during balancing exercises.

Journaling: Write in a gratitude journal or a daily reflection journal with holding a healing crystal or with one nearby. This can direct our reflections to look at situations in a certain light, encourage us to see things as the really are versus our hurt, predispositions and feelings clouding our judgement. Use the crystal's energy to inspire positive thoughts and insights during your writing.

Remember to Cleanse your crystals...

When working with healing crystals, it's crucial to cleanse and charge them regularly, as they may absorb energies from their environment. This can sometimes mean that using a crystal that has absorbed too much negative energies and hasn’t been cleansed in a while can lead to negative or opposite effects in your life.

Luckly, cleansing your crystals is relatively easy and can be done in a variety of different ways.

Methods of cleansing include running water, smudging with sage, sunlight or moonlight exposure, burying them in the earth, or using other large cleansing crystals like selenite or clear quartz.

how to cleanse and charge your crystals at home

Remember that the key to incorporating crystal rituals into your daily mindfulness and self-care routines is to make it a personal and enjoyable practice. There are no strict rules, and you can adapt these suggestions to suit your preferences, environment and schedule. Have fun experimenting with different crystals and rituals to find what resonates best with you and enhances your mindfulness journey.