What actually are crystals and why do we use them?

Have you ever wondered… What are crystals?

Crystals—those captivating, shining, sparkly objects we often see in home and garden stores all over the world. Crystals have been used for many centuries in many different ways. But exactly what are crystals? Do they really have magical powers? Let's take a look at what crystals are and where they come from. From here we can build insight into how to use different types of crystals in our own spiritual meditations and daily lives. 

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Have you ever wondered… What are crystals?

When you look at a crystal, it may just seem like a pretty, shiny object. But if you take a closer look at it, you'll see that it's actually more than that. Crystals are atoms in a perfectly arranged grid-like structure. Different minerals—which are combinations of elements—each have their own unique structure and can bond together to create many different types of crystals with unique shapes, colours, densities and translucencies. Several of which are used today across a variety of industries and reasons.

Natural crystal formations can be created in many ways. In most cases, these different crystal structures are caused by differences in chemical composition or by changes in temperature and pressure that cause the bonds between atoms to change.

There are 3 main ways different types of crystal formations can occur:

One way is that they can be made by heating certain liquids until they start to harden. Some of these liquids will gather together as they cool, forming a crystal pattern. Left behind in a solid form—that's your crystal formation!

Another way crystals are created is when magma cools slowly and begins crystal formations. The slower it cools, the larger the crystals will be, and vice-versa.

Many different types of crystals can also be created by the evaporation of liquids resulting in the solid crystal molecules to be left behind, we can see this in things like salt or sugar crystals.

citrine meaning in crystal jewellery

Because of this, crystal meanings are said to differ depending on the type of crystal (element or mineral it is made of), how it's formed and where it comes from. For example, quartz crystals can be found in a variety of colours and each of these colours can be associated with a different chakra and crystal meaning which are affected by these factors.

Why are there different crystal meanings and chakras behind crystals?

Crystals are believed to have a subtle vibration that can resonate with the body's own energy field. This resonance is said to help balance and align the body's chakras so that they function at their optimum level. While often referred to as crystal healing, the crystal itself is not healing anyone but rather helping facilitate an alignment of the body's own healing mechanism.

The basics of how to use of crystals for healing stems from the fundamental belief that everything in this universe is vibration and frequency. Every material around us—including our bodies—is made up of molecules, connected by energy, that vibrate at different frequencies. Crystal formations happen to vibrate at very high frequencies, which means they can store a lot of energy.

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

—Albert Einstein

For example, sight - or how we receive colour and shape - is all based on reflections of light vibration bouncing off surfaces around us. Sound is received through wavelengths that are caused by vibration. And touch is a collective sense of atoms, held together by energy, running across each other causing friction and vibration.

In addition to their ability to store energy and resonate with our bodies, there are also other reasons people learn how to use crystals: some people believe that different types of crystals can help them achieve certain things (such as wealth or love), while others believe that crystals for protection can offer safety from harm or evil spirits, which we often see throughout history and even still today

Now we know a little more about what are crystals really... How does this help us learn how to use crystals in our spiritual manifestations and practices? The knowledge of the use of crystals throughout our history can also help shed some light on their many benefits and how to use them in our lives today.

healing crystals and spiritual meditation in history

Healing crystals been used in spiritual meditations throughout human history.

Throughout history, crystals have been used for a variety of different purposes, from spell casting to the creation of crystal jewellery. Ancient Sumerians are among the first human societies to use and record the use of crystals in rituals and spell casting. Their records of crystal use date back almost 4000 BC.

Egyptians used many different types of crystals and valuable gemstones and gold abundantly in stunning crystal jewellery pieces and ornaments. Elaborately crafted for their royalty, gods and pharaohs, these items were often used in makeups as well as for healing purposes. Green, blue and red stones (such as emerald, peridot, lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian and topaz) had a variety of strong symbolism in these ancient cultures; ranging from wealth, love and status.

Crystals of course have been used in Indonesian countries as a spiritual meditation and manifestation tool for centuries and the use continues to blossom in its current practices. Valued highly in India are their diamonds, deals, sapphires, rubies and Emeralds. Today they are one of the main exporters of many different types of crystals and crystal jewellery.

The use of healing crystals has also been a primary element in ancient Chinese medicines dating back to first documented use around 5000BC. Combined with many other now considered alternative medicine practices such as acupuncture, meditation herbalism etc., some types of crystals remain a central part of the Chinese population's belief system with a common practice of having crystals like jade, clear quartz crystals, peridot, sapphire and rose quartz crystals around the house or worn as crystal jewellery.

The fascination with healing crystals is also present in ancient Greek cultures and was also actively used for medicinal and ritualistic purposes. For instance, Amethyst crystals were believed to cure drunkenness and hangovers, and of course rose quartz to attract love and romance. Some types of crystals were also used for spiritual and battle rituals. It is said that warriors use to smear their bodies in finely ground crystal as protection and to intensify strength.

This is just a few cultures throughout time and history. Now we see more and more over again the modern world turning to healing crystals and beginning to accept the powerful insight and benefits they may provide. We have seen this trend continue as people begin to use crystals for healing or as meditation tools or even just for decoration purposes

How to use crystals and why they work...

Medicinally, crystals are used in areas of mental wellbeing, inducing feelings of peace, joy and focus as well as promoting reflection. They are also said to offer increased immunity and relief from pain and disease. This energy can be harnessed by humans in many different ways; for example, you can wear crystal jewellery or place them on your body or in your home...

Crystals are a wonderful and beautiful way to incorporate spirituality into your daily life. In some spiritual meditations, healing crystals can help to enhance or strengthen an intention. Such as when manifesting with palm sized crystals or crystal infused candles, the crystal meaning can co-inside with that of your desired will.

Many different types of crystals can be used to create a protective space around you, or in the spaces you inhabit regularly. You can use them to cultivate a feeling of peace and harmony, or to promote creativity and productivity.

how to use crystals and crystal jewellery

Healing crystals can be placed in different areas of your home or office in order to promote certain feelings or atmospheres in those areas. For example, you might want a crystal that promotes creativity placed near your desk so that it encourages your mind to think more creatively when writing emails or working on reports at work.

Healing crystals can be used for protection on the go, like wearing crystal jewelry around your neck. This is perfect for people who are anxious about their day-to-day lives, or anyone who wants an extra boost of confidence when they're facing something difficult.

Crystals are one of the many beautiful and mysterious creations on this earth, grounding and calming humans throughout our history. Our fascination with these captivating crystal formations will continue to inspire us with not only their unique and enigmatic appearance but also their deep and undeniable connections to our souls and the universe we are all interconnectedly apart of.

Here at Sticks and Stones Creatives...

We strive to design natural and long lasting handmade crystal based products for the home and body, helping to integrate crystals seamlessly into our daily lives. With modern times requiring us to conduct our lives in a multitude of different environments, we often find wearing crystal jewellery is the best way to keep us inspired and protected on the go.

Balanced and beautiful our crystal jewellery pieces can help you daily on your efforts to achieve your goals. As we move towards the future, learning how to use crystals to heal ourselves and each other can help us shape our future both individually and as a society. Shop our natural crystal jewellery collections, handmade in our crystal jewellery workshop based on the sunny shores of the gold coast. Presenting to you inspiring collections of protective yet dainty necklaces to add to your gemstone jewellery look.

Shop our Healing Crystal Jewellery collections Here!